Suspects and Pocket Detective both offer players an engaging crime-solving experience. One feels like Agatha Christie and post-Victorian England, while the other feels like Law and Order or Dragnet.
When we first created our game room, we were on the lookout for great decor with a gaming theme. We wondered: what items will draw the attention and curiosity of our guests? What will inspire a spirit of fun and play?
Repos Production has a new cooperative party game coming soon, Stonemaier Games has announced a new micro cooperative game, and two new Marvel-themed games have been announced.
This month on Kickstarter, Pandasaurus brings a new game from the designer of Wingspan, Floodgate Games introduces a legacy adaptation of Sagrada, and much more.
Where did you put those scissors? Was it in the top drawer? The bottom? Try to remember and find them before your opponent discovers where he placed his flashlight and batteries.
Ask your friends what's something crunchy that they wouldn't want to step on. See how many answers they can come up with in thirty seconds, and reward your three favorite answers with points!
"It is great to have a company promoting games the way you do. The magazine has some great information for retailers, players, and pretty much anyone into games."
— Jeff Smith (JustUS Productions)
"CGI is by far my favorite board gaming publication. A fantastic read."
— Landon Squire (How Lou Sees It)
"I find your articles and reviews in depth, informative, and engaging, and I’m really enjoying your magazine."
— Damon Tabb (Game Designer)
"I just discovered your magazine and couldn't be happier. I didn't realize there was something out there that was made just for me. Thanks."
— Travis Q. (Subscriber)
"I love this magazine; there are so many new games out all the time, it's hard to know what's any good. It's great to have a reliable source for finding some of the best ones."
— Ember (Subscriber)
"Articles are expertly designed, easy to read, incorporate appropriate graphics and images interspersed throughout. The presentation is eye-catching and exciting to look at."