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News, articles, and reviews by our editors and other contributors.

25th Century Games has released a new board game, Royal Visit is in stores this week and can be pre-ordered online, and Asmodee has acquired Board Game Arena.

Published by Ravensburger, 3D Labyrinth takes the 1986 family-friendly puzzle game Labyrinth and gives it a modern 3D twist.

All it takes is one gem in the bag to win the game. But the more gems you have in the bag, the better your odds of winning. The wizard always wins, but it’s going to take canny use of all the characters if you want to beat the odds.

Published by Pandasaurus Games, Qwinto is a 2016 Spiel des Jahres Recommended game. It can be taught in a couple of minutes, keeps its rules short and sweet, and is a breeze to play.

Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising is a standalone sequel to Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time. Currently seeking funding on Gamefound, Elemental Uprising is a challenging tower defense cooperative puzzle game.

The Op and AEG have released Smash Up: Marvel, Renegade Game Studios has announced a new card game, and Gamelyn Games has released a promo pack for four of their Tiny Epic games.

Draw a picture and get your team to guess it. The catch: some or all of your team can’t actually see the ink. Can you still guess what word that is being drawn?

How fast can you come up with words and fit them into a grid? Can you follow the theme and use all twelve of your dice faster than your opponent?

Days of Wonder has announced a new special edition of Ticket to Ride Europe, Portal Games has announced the games they’re planning on publishing this year, and The Op and Asmodee have released two new editions of Spot It!.

Great Scott! Based on the popular 1985 film, Back to the Future: Back in Time has players trying to help Marty McFly’s parents fall in love, avoid the bully Biff, and get the time traveling DeLorean back on the road.
