Favorite 2 Player Game | Casual Game Revolution

Favorite 2 Player Game

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DerekBC's picture
Member Since: 10/19/2013
Favorite 2 Player Game

Looking for some good 2 player games that my wife would enjoy playing. I welcome all suggestions.

Jill's picture

There are so many excellent two player games.  My husband and I have expanded our 2 player collection just so we have many options to chose from.

Guess our favorites (each at different times) would be these:



Race for the Galaxy

Lost Cities

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the Kosmos 2 player series.  Lots of ideas there.

Sean's picture
Member Since: 07/22/2014

I struggle with getting my wife to play games. She is not a real gamer, and only plays games to appease me. 

That being said, when she does play, she gets the rules quickly and is good... usually beating me! 

She actually loves the basic games like Skip-Bo, Blokus, Phase 10, Uno, Dao. They are basic and fun.

If we are feeling more adventurous she plays Backgammon or Hive. 

There is actually a company called "Michaud Toys" up in Canada that makes nice wooden boards for games, which she plays, they are fun/easy games. 

I would love to get something like Jaipur though, I think she would like that. 

buttonjo's picture
Member Since: 07/11/2014


If you want offline games - then the best variant is classic board games like chess or checkers. In fact most modern board games requires more than 2 players, if less, than the game seems quite boring. 

If you want PC games - a great variant is Worms Armageddon - it's a very addictive and funny hot-seat mode game. 

hope this helps

El Julio
Jill's picture

My favorite 2 player games I recommend a lot are:

  • Easter Island
  • Yinsh
  • Longhorn
  • Hive
  • Quoridor
  • Onirim

Kind Regards

My favorite 2 player games I recommend are

  • Challenge Pool
  • Trick Bowling
Jill's picture

My GF and I enjoy 7 Wonders Duel. 

aliuamir aliuad
Jill's picture

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