Party Games | Page 14 | Casual Game Revolution

Party Games

You have a most peculiar problem. Your loved ones want you to stop. But no one exactly wants to put it into words!

You seek to join King Arthur’s round table, but how will you do so with only an anxious flight attendant, a world-class food critic, and a Polaroid camera to help you on your way?

Molly Zeff, designer of Wing It, shares her top 5 favorite party games that have a unique game design.

Let your inner sculptor shine! Create various figures, animals, and shapes out of clay and hope others will figure out what they are, only not too fast or you won’t get any points.

Fairies, Boogeymen, and the Sandman have all come to play in your dreams. Can you figure out which is which?

Would you rather be captain of your own space ship or be able to fly? Which would you miss more if they ceased to exist: bread or the smell of fresh rain?

Beautiful artwork, clever clue giving, and bunny meeples! Ten years old already, Dixit has inspired a number of excellent games since its release. But how well does it still hold up?

Self-dubbed "a party game where close counts," America doesn’t expect you to know all the answers — you just need to have a general idea, or guess that no one else has a clue either.

How do you say "Dude"? Is it like "dooode" or more like "dewd"? Maybe it just depends on the context. This new icebreaker party game series from North Star Games explores the many bodacious ways to express this word.

Sheeple is a new party game on Kickstarter about coming up with the same answers as other players, but hopefully not too many of the other players.
