News Flash: Hasbro Acquires Pie Face!, Foxtrot Announces World's Fair 1893
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 06/12/2015 - 10:08. Category: News

- Hasbro recently announced that the company has acquired the rights for the Pie Face! game, and will be releasing it sometime in the foreseeable future. It involves players ending up with a face full of whipped cream.
- Foxtrot Games has announced a new board name titled World's Fair 1893. Designed for 2 to 4 players, the game will contain set collection and card drafting elements. The game will be Kickstarted sometime later this year and you can read more about it on the game's BoardGameGeek page locatedĀ here.
- If you're a fan of Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, you may want to check out this solo play variant for the game. Originally designed by a fan, Foxtrot Games has given it their blessing and announced plans to release the rules in the future as an official download.
- New reviews this week of Tsuro (Toys Bulletin), Welcome to the Dungeon (Shut Up and Sit Down), and Patchwork (iSlaytheDragon).
- Passport Game Studios has blogged about microgames and their rising popularity.
- The Inquisitive Meeple has posted an interview of Justin Schaffer, one of the two owners of Terra Nova Games.
- My Gaming has written an article about why video game fans should give board games a shot. Maybe you could use it to convert some friends and increase the crowd for your next game night.
- Bill White has written a nice article for The Morning Call about his discovery of tabletop games beyond Monopoly.