News Flash: Sapiens Available for Pre-Order, Adventure Time Love Letter
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 10/02/2015 - 09:51. Category: News

- The new IELLO game Sapiens is curently available for pre-order. Pre-ordered copies will include 8 bonus tiles. In the game, players guide their tribe around the tiles, gathering food and looking for shelter.
- Cryptozoic Entertainment and Alderac Entertainment Group released Adventure Time Love Letter last week.
- A Boy Scout troop has designed Walls, a game about racing through a changing maze. The game was created while the troop was earning their Game Design merit badge and you can currently back the game on Kickstarter.
- New reviews this week of Mysterium (Geek and Sundry), Evolution (Shut Up and Sit Down), and 7 Wonders: Duel (Meeple Town).
- The League of Nonsensical Gamers has posted up a preview of World’s Fair 1893 from Foxtrot Games.
- Games Quest has written a list of 15 board games kids can enjoy. It's a good list and almost all of them will keep adults entertained as well.
- A list of 10 of the best board games of all time has been posted on iSlaytheDragon.
- A man used a custome Monopoly board to propose to his girlfriend, hiding the ring under the Luxery Tax square. You can see pictures here.