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News, articles, and reviews by our editors and other contributors.

A word game that is all about removing letters to make words, looking for patterns in a jumbled array of letters.

Your engines are offline, you’re stuck in space, and only your tractor and repulsor beams are working. You’ll have to use your opponent’s ships to fling yourself to the warp gate and try to escape!

Choose a number from zero to five and hope you manage to outwit your opponents. Only the player who chooses the highest unique number will get to perform an action this round, with the number chosen determining that action!

Z-Man Games has announced a Star Wars themed Love Letter game, Asmodee has a new dexterity game for pre-order, and Asmodee is also set to be acquired.

Roll two dice and write both numbers onto your player sheet: but choose your placement wisely, as where you write a number determines exactly where the second number must be placed, as well.

The world is aflame! Only carefully laid cards and judiciously applied snow will put out the fire and restore order.

Roll the dice, combine the results, and write the resulting numbers down on your map of Germany. But choose wisely: you’re trying to make long lines of connected cities, but no number can appear on your map twice.

OuiSi (meaning Yes Yes in French and Spanish and pronounced "we-see") is a game all about making connections, in shapes, images, colors, and ideas across an array of photographs.

AEG and Pandasaurus Games have announced new games for 2022, and WizKids has released Dungeon Scrawlers: Heroes of Undermountain.

Roll your dice, perform attacks, and try to capture your opponent’s dice in this rough and ready, fast-playing dice game.
