Make your way through the dungeon maze collecting keys, finding treasure, and defeating monsters in this real-time racing game played with markers and dungeon maps.
In the second article in our Gaming to Learn article series, Jon Den Houter discusses using a customized game of Codenames to help his students review for a test about several short stories.
Portal Games has released a new card game, several websites recommend games to play for Halloween, and Rory's Story Cubes: Harry Potter has been announced.
A 3D remake of Ubongo published by KOSMOS, this game has all players working simultaneously on a tactile puzzle, racing to complete it before the timer runs out.
This month on Kickstarter there’s cooperative deduction, games that originated in Japan, a dexterity game, as well as a small-sized solo card game, a spooky game for Halloween, and one that is sure to leave you hungry for dim sum.
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"I love this magazine; there are so many new games out all the time, it's hard to know what's any good. It's great to have a reliable source for finding some of the best ones."
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— Mary Couzin (Chicago Toy & Game Group)
"The magazine is a great resource for new game info as well as for great articles related to gaming. It helps me for planning MACE, my gaming convention in North Carolina."
— Jeff Smith (JustUs Productions)
"CGI is actually an excellent is a good buy for any enthusiast of Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Zombie Dice, and similar games."