News Flash: Monster Chase Released, Kinderspiel des Jahres Winner Announced
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 07/01/2016 - 09:20. Category: News

- IELLO is released Monster Chase this week, a ten minute game about scaring away the monsters under your bed.
- My First Stone Age has been announced as the winner of the Kinderspiel des Jahres 2016 award.
- Breaking Games released The Game of 49 this week. It is a bidding/bluffing game for two to five players.
- New reviews this week of Imhotep (Tabletop Together), Deep Sea Adventure (Major Fun), and Junk Art (Bearded Meeple).
- BoardGameGeek has a preview posted up of some of the games that will be appearing at this year's Gen Con. Which games are you most looking forward to?
- Geek and Sundry wrote up a piece about one of the first "modern" board games: The Game of the Goose.
- Calliope Games has posted up a roundup of the Titan Series appearance at Origins.
- Days of Wonder is currently running a sale on their board game apps until July 4th.
- Flaming Dice Reviews have posted up a sneak peak of Bunny Kingdom which is set to be released at Essen.