News Flash: Rio Grande's Pressure Cooker, The Walking Dead "Don't Look Back" Dice Game
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 08/15/2014 - 10:47. Category: News

- Rio Grande Games released Pressure Cooker this week, a real-time set collection game in which players compete to become Head Chef.
- Cryptozoic’s The Walking Dead "Don't Look Back" Dice Game is scheduled to be released this week.
- It seems like every week Game Salute is releasing a new batch of games. This week it includes Stack and Attack, and Epic Death.
- New reviews this week of Ninja Dice (The Gaming Gang), Who Stole the Cookie? (iSlaytheDragon), and Tortuga (Board Dom I Nation).
- Steve Jackson Games has announced a new Munchkin game: Munchkin Steampunk. The game will be released in 2015 and will be both stand-alone as well as compatible with other Munchkin titles.
- The Inquisitive Meeple interviews Chris Handy about Pack O Game and micro game TKO.
- Victory Point Games has released Trifecta, a fast paced two player card game with easy to learn rules.
- takes a quick look at Monopoly: The Legend of Zelda and its artwork. The game is set for release next month.
- A library in Oregon has started a very interesting practice of loaning out board games. Hopefully this catches on at more libraries.
- UK-based startup Omerta Game Ltd. has released at Gen Con a mafia-themed card game, Mafioso: The Underworld.