Z-Man Games has announced the next game in the Pandemic System line, a spin-off of Disney Vaillainous has been announced, and Looney Labs has a new Fluxx coming soon.
Gigamic has a new party game set for release next week, Days of Wonder has announced a new map expansion for Ticket to Ride, and The OP has released 10 Days in the USA.
Hasbro has announced a new board game, a new card game set in the world of Betrayal at House on the Hill is coming out this month, and Ticket to Ride is getting a cookbook (yes, really!).
Calliope Games has released Four Corners, Z-Man Games has announced a sequel to Challengers!, and Days of Wonder has announced a Ticket to Ride legacy game.
Days of Wonder has announced a new Ticket to Ride, the nominees for this year’s Spiel des Jahres have been announced, and Good Omens: An Ineffable Game is coming soon.