News Flash: Super Tooth Released, 10 Great Party Games, and Lanterns Preview
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 04/17/2015 - 13:23. Category: News

- Gamewright has released Super Tooth, a family-friendly dinosaur game about card matching and collecting dino teeth.
- Paste Magazine has published a list of 10 great board games to play at parties.
- Scott King has published a gorgeous photo preview of Lanterns: The Harvest Festival.
- New reviews this week of Diamonds (Major Fun), Friday (Shut Up and Sit Down), and Choice Words (Meeple Town).
- Passport Studio Games published a fun write-up of their activities on Tabletop Day.
- Dread Central has compiled a list of 10 horror movies you might not know were adapted into board games.
- NPR has published a list of board games that were once popular many years ago but have now mostly been forgotten.
- It has been announced that Awesome Kingdom: The Tower of Hateskull, a dungeon crawling card game designed by Kevin Wilson, will have a July release date.
- Ares Games has announced two new games that will be released this year at Gen Con. Jolly Roger, a pirate card game for 4 to 10 players and Odyssey – Wrath of Poseidon, which pits one player against everyone else.