Big Box O' Card Games Giveaway #2 | Casual Game Revolution

Big Box O' Card Games Giveaway #2

Big Box O' Card Games Giveaway

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The Big Box O' Games giveaway is back! This time, we're featuring five different card games from various publishers that are sure to sharpen your shuffling skills. Help us celebrate our Spring 2015 release of Casual Game Insider by entering to win.

This giveaway includes a brand new copy of each of the following games:

  • BraveRats — In this 2-player microgame, players go head to head as rivaling clans of rats. Played similar to War, each player selects a card and reveals it at the same time. The stronger card wins, unless a special power prevails.
  • Cover Your Assets — Become the first millionaire by collecting pairs of assets (money, cars, homes, etc.). The top set of assets in your stack can be stolen by other players, so be sure to protect them by covering them with more assets.
  • Scheming and Skulking — In this trick-taking card game, place a bid on how many tricks you think you can win. Then strategize to collect this many — bid right and win big!
  • Grandpa Beck's Golf — Try to get the lowest score possible by replacing high cards with low cards in your 9-card grid. You can also eliminate cards by placing 3 matching cards in a row or column.
  • Lords & Ladies — Control a noble family and their servants from the turn of the 20th century. Raise your family's status through careful marriages, hiring servants, and having children, while destroying rivaling families through gossip and backstabbing.

One lucky winner will receive a brand new copy of all five games! Enter below for a chance to win, and be sure to invite your friends. (Note: our giveaways are only open to U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Why?)

Jason Lees
Jason Lees's picture
What IP would make the best casual game? I've been tinkering with an idea for about a year now, but I have no idea how to get permission to use the IP.
Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012

I have always wanted a Whose Line Is It Anyway? party game. I even designed one based off of actual games and scenarios when the new show came out. Unfortunately, Hat Trick Productions wouldn't go for it — they just didn't seem to share the vision.

I think it would be great if there were a decent Harry Potter game — I'm tired of seeing dull re-themed Monopoly and Clue. Perhaps a cooperative game would work well. Maybe something like Maze Runner could have potential, as well. Just my 2 cents. Good luck. :)

Jason Lees's picture
Hmm, I haven't actually heard of any of these, but they look pretty fun. Microgames are nice when my wife and I only have a little time to play between our son going to sleep and us.

Scheming and Skulking and Cover Your Assets have been on my wishlist since I read about them in a past CGI.

Despite the rise of digital gaming (which are terrific in themselves), good old fashioned boardgaming will not die.  They give us the hand-on tactile experience as well social experience which digital games often cannot provide.  For instance I found Talisman to be very boring via Steam digital version but it's more fun playing in person because you can tease each other or taunt each other even!  Lords of Waterdeep, one other excellent game, is far better played in person and kind of falls flat on iPad.  There are too many information you want to access as a player and on the iOS version you are constantly clicking on information boxes which become annoying for me over the long term.  Furthermore, don't get me started on playing LoW via iOS turn by turn over a week or two!  LoW is a far better experience played in person due to the ease of information access and socializing with other players.  While I am thankful I am able to play boardgames on my iPad I will always prefer to play in person with friends anytime.

JEmlay's picture
Member Since: 07/15/2013

I've had my eye on Lords & Ladies for a while now.  Good luck everyone!

Jason Lees's picture
I always enjoy playing games. And I have not played these games I am looking forward to it.
Jason Lees
Jason Lees's picture
A solid Harry Potter game would be great! They could do something interesting with it and set it among the other Hogwarts students. Perhaps set during the time between Voldemort being Horcrux'd and the events of the books. Based on a podcast I listened to recently, I'd also put in for something based on The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.
Jason Lees's picture

Thanks for the contest guys, I have heard great things about some of the included games.  I will definitely have to check out the magazine for the "origins of co-op".  Looks good, keep up the great work and spreading the cardboard love.

Bob King
Jason Lees's picture
This is a great idea, and good luck to one and all. Although that is a silly statement if you think about it. Not like everyone can win :)
Bob King
Jason Lees's picture
I would love to see a Gloom re-themed for Game of Thrones. Seems a logical match to me.
Jason Lees's picture

My game group is lacking any sort of good filler games.  It is all heavy euros, this list of games would be an amazing addition to the group catalog.

Bob King
Jason Lees's picture
It is not going to be easy to contact a non-gaming IP holder to try and talk to them about it. I would recommend you work on your game first and get it really polished. Do a lot of playtesting with a variety of people and get the game to a good point. Then you can contact one of the game publishers that work with IP licenses and see if they have the contacts and would be interested. Likely you would have to set up a meeting with the game pub first to let them see the worth of the game. Most TV and movie companies are at least somewhat interested in pursuing outside licenses, but you need to have a good game and a proven publisher behind it to impress them enough to move forward. At least, that is what I get from listening to publishers talk about what it takes to get a game published. YMMV.
David Brown
Jason Lees's picture

Is that the same face on 3 of those games?  Ah, it is.


Lords and Ladies looks like it has an interesting theme.

Jason Lees's picture

I actually generally avoid games based in IPs. They always come off as seeming cheesy, forced, and a money grab. I prefer games that are based on an idea and build their own universe.

Jason Lees's picture

Thanks for another great issue!

Jason Lees's picture

Looks like an exciting box!

joanna reed
Jason Lees's picture

Love cooperative play games. I love the team building and the conversations.

Janice Dean
Jason Lees's picture

Thanks for the great contest and good luck to all!